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This is the blog of Larcenous Designs, LLC, through which I (Nathan Rockwood) will be publishing thoughts and ramblings related to my business' projects, which may include anything related to games, game design, and the use of gaming in education. 

Comments will be moderated without mercy.

Demon Hunters deck almost here!

Nathan Rockwood

The Demon Hunters deck, demonstrated by the card overview below, is almost ready for launch on DriveThru! 

This deck is unique among the planned genre decks because it has new icon fields--the Futhark runes are replaced with a series of 10 'Source Material' markers, indicating a fictional or real-world mythology, and the Elements have been replaced with Specialty symbols that indicate a character or encounter leaning towards combat, magic, SCIENCE!, or socialization. 

We made this change because it felt like the Demon Hunters deck was otherwise a bit too similar to the base version, since its particular setting embraces a mashup of science and magic that let us keep much of the original text. 

EDIT: The sci fi deck is also coming up soon! Added a pic below, just because.