GMA — Blog — Larcenous Designs

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This is the blog of Larcenous Designs, LLC, through which I (Nathan Rockwood) will be publishing thoughts and ramblings related to my business' projects, which may include anything related to games, game design, and the use of gaming in education. 

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Filtering by Tag: GMA

Bundle of Holding to support Direct Relief: The GameMaster's Apprentice!

Nathan Rockwood

Click for the Bundle of Holding offer page—which also includes the Fantasy and Weird Horror decks, not pictured here!

You may already be well aware of the Bundle of Holding, but just in case, they are a website which in their own words “presents time-limited, bargain-priced collections of DRM-free tabletop roleplaying game ebooks by leading designers. Support indie publishing, help charity, and get top-quality RPGs!”

And for the next few weeks, one of their offers is The GameMaster’s Apprentice Deck Bundle! Click the link to check it out now!

Get literally millions of characters, story events, and more, for a steal! The deal comes in two packages: A base offer for $7.95 that includes three decks and a special sneak preview of the upcoming Cyberpunk Deck, and a Leveled Up offer that adds five additional decks and starts at $17.95, but which will rise over time with the average donation. Act now to score 8 decks (normally $80.00) for less than $20!

This is a little coincidentally-well-timed, since the GMA: Base Deck, the original genre-neutral version, has just achieved Adamantine Bestseller status on DriveThru, so consider this a bit of a celebration, as well as an opportunity to support pandemic recovery through Direct Relief, a charity which will receive about 10% of all sales (after gateway fees).

The GameMaster's Apprentice: Cyberpunk Deck!

Nathan Rockwood

The Promo image for the GMA 2.0 Cyberpunk campaign, showing an augmented person overlaid with holographic images.

The Promo image for the GMA 2.0 Cyberpunk campaign, showing an augmented person overlaid with holographic images.

I'm really excited to say we're FINALLY ready to launch the next GameMaster's Apprentice Kickstarter in the next few days (I'll repost the live link in this thread when we launch, to avoid duplicating), which is for a Cyberpunk theme deck--and also to completely replace and update a number of the randomizers on the cards!

Check out the pre-launch (or later, the launched) campaign here!

An image of the Cyberpunk GMA card, with callouts describing the 13 major randomizers.

An image of the Cyberpunk GMA card, with callouts describing the 13 major randomizers; Beta only, not final!

The biggest changes are:

  • Changing the yes/no oracle to include "Yes, but..." and "No, but" by adding "Yes?/No?" results. I'm also changing the balance of answers, so there are more YES!/NO! results, so the ratios provide fewer basic Yes/No and more complex answers.

  • Replacing the Elements and Norse Runes with random icons for visual interpretations.

  • Adding descriptive character traits and goals/"stakes" to the text on the bottom of the cards.

  • Probably replacing the 'tag symbols' with map-generation content, including dungeon geomorphs.

Solo Gaming on Rolegate

Nathan Rockwood

I’ve been experimenting with a website called Rolegate for my solo gaming, recently, and I have to say it’s working out pretty well! I actually heard about the site a while ago, but didn’t take a look at it until I noticed a bunch of their users were also fans of the GMA decks, and their developer asked me some questions about the cards and spreadsheeting the contents for web access—and now I am a pretty big fan of theirs, too!

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