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This is the blog of Larcenous Designs, LLC, through which I (Nathan Rockwood) will be publishing thoughts and ramblings related to my business' projects, which may include anything related to games, game design, and the use of gaming in education. 

Comments will be moderated without mercy.

Filtering by Tag: Kickstarter

The Portal Tarot: The Apprentice - On Kickstarter June 18-July 16th!

Nathan Rockwood

“All arcane applications of the Tarot are for entertainment purposes only, and Larcenous Designs, LLC cannot be held liable for demonic possession, apocalyptic prophecies, or little Timmy spider-walking across the ceiling after playing with these cards at a sleepover.”

The Portal Tarot: The Apprentice is an easy-to-use, story-inspiring deck of high-fantasy Tarot cards by Larcenous Designers, LLC, makers of the Platinum-level bestselling GameMaster’s Apprentice cards on DriveThruRPG. This deck will be on Kickstarter from June 18th-July 16th!

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GMA Fantasy Deck Kickstarting August 8-September 4!

Nathan Rockwood

I probably should have mentioned this earlier, but I am under no delusions about the size of my blog's readership... 

I'm running a new Kickstarter! As of posting, we have funded, and now are expanding the community reward (a Deck of Many Things-/Wild Surge Table-esque list of random magical effects) with each new backer!

From a design standpoint, I think this is my favorite deck. Thanks to the inestimable Max Johnson's excellent graphic and technical design work, I was able to include a new field: a set of 120 fantasy images, one on each card. Several backers of the first Kickstarter mentioned that they would have appreciated something like this, based on their use of Rory's Story Cubes, so now there are 20d6 worth of images!

The images themselves are drawn from the excellent resources at, which are CC-licensed; for the full credits of the ones I used here, check out the Quickstart Guide via the KS page!